Thursday, July 14, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 3 - 7/14: I Want To Learn How...

Oh, there are always so many things I want to learn how to do! 

  • Continue to learn to play guitar, even though I have dropped formal lessons for the time being. To continue, I'll do video lessons and practice. I hated suspending my formal lessons, but spending those last days with mom and my family was worth it. 
  • THEN, learn bass. Then ukelele. 
  • Write music, not just lyrics (which I have done already). Well, I already did write the music for one song and we used it as a responsorial psalm one Sunday! Anyway, I want to do more songwriting across different genres.
  • Make jewelry. I'm already working on that, using ready-made bracelets, etc. But I have a few books on making wire jewelry, so I'm planning to do this too.
  • Paint with oils. I do quasi-okay with acrylics but I'd like to branch out.
  • Draw, sketch. I pretty much suck at this. I know, go figure, I can sketch okay enough to do painting but not well enough for it to stand on its own.

There are plenty of other things I'd love to learn... But I notice that all of these have a theme of creative and/or performing arts. Maybe The Universe is trying to tell me something....

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