Wednesday, April 20, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 2 - 4/20/16: Wash

There's a great meme out there that says "The Never-Ending Story As A Kid" with a scene from the 1985 fantasy movie, and just below it shows an overflowing laundry basket and the phrase "The Never-Ending Story As An Adult"

Word, bruh. 

I had learned how to begin to do "the wash" as my grandmother and mother would call it by separating lights from darks, heavier fabrics from less-weighty ones. Of course back then, we had to figure out how many scoops of powder or capfuls of liquid per load -- and is it a full load or not? Do I add Downy? And if something needed bleach -- hey, kid, nooooo!

Thank God for the pod. Same goes for the dishwasher too. 

The worst part of "the wash" is the folding, the putting away..... Ugh!!! I'll wash and dry all day long but that other stuff is anathema.... And let's not even discuss ironing. I buy as few "needs ironing" pieces as possible. I remember ironing tees in college on occasion so they'd look just right. No way no how these days. If it's not wrinkle-free, it is useless to me!

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