Tuesday, April 26, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 2 - 4/26/16: Comrade

So.... How goes the revolution?

Work Harder, Comrade! art print by April Scumacher

I can't say the word comrade without resorting to a cheesy faux-Russian accent. Such is the experience of a child of Cold War times -- and I grew up in detente! Can you imagine what it was like during the height of the Cold War? I think primarily of Boris and Natasha, of Fearless Leader, and of Moose and Squirrel. 

But I do have true comrades. People who stand by me and with me through so much. I'd like to talk about a few of them.....

I have my "girls of the pasture" (they know who they are). These girls have been my dear friends for years, and even though we are spread far and wide, they have held my hand, my basket, my heart, and so much more. I could not survive without them. 

I have my fellow Viking Women -- a special breed of altos known for their fierce voices and even fiercer wit. They too have held my hand through difficult moments. They have made me laugh, hugged me up, cried big salty tears with me..... I love my girls!!! And Marlys, dear one, you are going to be so missed!!!

I have my Spoonie Girls, girls who also live with chronic illness, care for someone with chronic illness, or more often, both (like me until recently). They get it when I say things like "today, I can't even. No, literally." Because there are days they too literally can't even.

I am blessed with awesome comrades and I could name a billion more. I only hope that I am just as trustworthy a comrade to them.

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