Monday, July 18, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 3 - 7/18: Favorite Scents

Wet dog is not one of my favorite scents but I can't resist a yellow lab, so...

What scents do I love? Freshly washed and powdered babies. Freshly washed and dried doggie. Roses. A good steak on the grill. Plough mud -- yes, I'm strange but GOD I love that smell; that smell is home to my soul. Slow-cooking apple butter. "Russian Tea." Prell shampoo, or if you really want me to cry big salty tears of happiness, Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific. Lavender - the real deal, not that godawful loud phony crap they add to all the laundry junk. Sun-dried sheets, for that matter. 

Rain, and don't tell me it's the smell of the wet pavement.... I've smelled that same rain scent in an open field. The ocean. Cornbread dressing with sage, and turkey roasting in the oven. (God, Thanksgiving is going to be hard this year...)

Cotton candy at the fair. Funnel cakes too.

So many scents to love.

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