Thursday, July 21, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 3 - 7/21: Favorite Words

Words -- oh God, how I love them. I have no recollection of a life without words, without reading, without a love for language. As time has lengthened, my love for learning new words has only expanded.

While business correspondence is fond of using the latest buzzwords ad nauseum in e-mails, handbooks, press releases and such, in most cases we're told to make it simpler. But in my personal writing, I love to use those 50-cent words. And yes, that is FIFty, not "fiddy."

Some of my favorite words are..... miasma, plethora, veritable, indeed, caravan, melancholy, innate, imagination, melodious, undertone, azure, buoyant, passion, flummoxed, flabbergasted, iridescent, opalescent, phantasm, crystalline, phoenix, obstinate......

And I'm enjoying words that appear from other cultures, such as saudade shown above. Schadenfreude is another international favorite of mine.

And contrary to conventional wisdom, I rather enjoy using a fifty-cent word from time to time. I mean, honestly, wouldn't you rather say, "I am completely aghast by his behavior" when describing a complete boor? 

Beautiful words.....

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