Monday, January 25, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 1 - 1/25/16: Quirks

Four Weird Traits You Have

Just four?

1. As if you couldn't guess already, I have to have access to music in some way, shape, or form...... radio, MP3 player, CD's, my phone, and failing all else, my head. Not that I have it on all the time - for instance, right know I have the news on to catch the weather, and no audible music. But trust me, there definitely is a song going through my head.

2. I don't do it anymore, but when I was a kid (like maybe 1st grade or so), I honestly thought that if I did something with one hand and not the other, the "other" would feel hurt or upset that I didn't include it and so I had to let it do that same thing too .... like if I tapped my three fingers on my right hand, I'd have to do it with my left hand too so that it wouldn't be upset. That phase didn't last very long.... thank goodness!

3. I know a lot of people have a thing about foods touching. Eh, I'm okay with that, but if I'm at a place where the meat and the sides are served in separate compartments or containers, I usually tend to eat one section at a time. Let's say I have grilled chicken, green beans, and carrots. A bite or two of chicken, then on to the green beans, then back to the chicken, onto the carrots, then finish the chicken. I know, weird.

4. Coffee. Must have 2 packets of stevia per cup, and one Tbsp (or tub-lette) of creamer. You don't mess up a perfect formula. :)

I'm sure there are plenty of others, but right now..... it's still early!

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