Wednesday, January 6, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 1 - 1/6/16: Fascinating

Someone Who Fascinates Me And Why

Okay, wow, hmm. This one is tough because I usually find that everyone has something about them that is absolutely fascinating -- if you ask them to speak about themselves, you'll find a gem and some area of their lives where their passion lies...... And once they go there, you'll find why they draw you in. It can be a coworker or a celebrity in a short interview, it really matters not.

But in my case, this person fascinates me because he is the great mystery of my life. I never had the opportunity to ask him any questions. The only time I ever met this person, I was exactly two months old, and he was gone from my life just over three months later. But in the afterlife, oh you had best believe........

I hear lots of people say, "When I get to heaven, I'm gonna run to Jesus and spend all my time in praise...." Okay, nice, whatever gets you through the night. But as I see it, if I'm already in heaven -- what, I'm gonna get kicked out for ingratitude because I need to take care of business first? God already knows I will offer my praise and thanks for certain, but not in some massive weep-fest so that people could see what a "Good Christian"® I was. GAG!!!  God is very well aware that I got peeps to see and things to do first.

First in line? Ol' Roy. My grandfather. He utterly intrigues me. I have a interrogation ready for him that would make Lennie Briscoe proud. I may be standing in line behind his 7 kids and 14 other grandkids but I guarantee he'll have never ever expected the combination of DNA that is me. Not even my brother comes close to my tenacity and capacity for pure cold fury. My mother says my dad looks a lot like him. I wouldn't know. If he has the same eyes as all of us (the blues), then he will see the deep red fire behind mine and wonder from whence it came. Like I even know....... Not that I'd change it, mind you. That fiery core serves me well and if I lose that, I lose me. That is not happening again, no thanks.

Oh, and Gene better get ready too. My other grandfather, who died seven-and-a-half years before I was born...... But I figure my mother will still have to be pried away before I can begin my interrogation of him. The grandmas? Oh, they'll have a few questions pending but nothing like what will await Ol' Roy.

Yes, indeed. I got a (shinola)-load of questions for him. And eternity for answers. And in a situation like this, the patience of a saint.

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