Tuesday, January 19, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 1 - 1/19/16: Fear!

Five Fears That You Have

Wow, you don't ask much, do you? I'd think I'd almost rather have a rabid ferret gnawing off an extremity.

Why would I ever confess my fears to the world at large? Don't you know, dear prompt writer, that I have a velvet rope and bouncer for nearly every level of the sacred home I call my head and my heart? That on some days, "how are you" is the most invasive question you could ever ask?

That, and I don't want to jinx myself in the Universe. I don't want to Beetlejuice up this crap!!!!!

That being said.......

1) Spiders and snakes. It ain't just an old Jim Stafford song. I'm less scared of spiders. I'll squoosh the darn things. We had a teensy spider issue at work a few years ago, and it was "scream scream a spider!!" Followed by the sounds of me grabbing a few tissues, going out into the hallway muttering, "ohferchristssake you wusses" and stomping on the wee beastie...... Scooping it up with the tissue and flushing it to its watery grave.  Snakes are an entirely different story. We had baby copperheads in the yard for a while. A very short while. Hell no, I don't want snakes. I'll kill arachnids all day long but slithery beasties, noooooo!!!!!!

2) The day my WeeBoo leaves me...  I cannot even think about it. He's almost 10, and most Labs can go 12-15......... He's starting to show signs of arthritis or some hip issues. He's always been a bit lazy but he REALLY loves doing nothing now. He's old and even with the white fur, I see the graying muzzle. Crap, I'm crying just thinking about it.

3) Job-seeking. I'm praying I don't have to go through it again. Choosing to is one thing; having to is quite another.

4) Labwork abnormalities. I've already been through this once and it freakin' killed me. Seven weeks of torture (that didn't have to take that long, except for a scheduling snafu)...... I hope I never ever have to endure anything like that again.

5) Being out of coffee. Don't laugh...... Yeah, I know I could always pick up some on the way but there's something to the ritual of making it yourself each day that sets a mood.

I never said they were my five deepest fears.......

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