Friday, January 1, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 1: 1/1/16 - 5 Problems with Social Media

Well, this is a fine howdy-do, right? Using social media to tell 5 problems with social media. Hmm.But let's be real, right? There are problems with social media, and this is just my take:

1. It's a highlight reel. Unless you are brutally honest and no-holds-barred -- and refreshingly at times, some people are -- all you see are the highlights of a person's life, not the ugly everyday stuff. You don't see the cat vomit that they stepped in when they came home from a crappy day at the office. You don't see the boss asking why they cut a strange deal with a certain vendor or client. You don't see the thigh jiggle, the nearly-happened car accident, the always-untying shoe laces. I almost would like to see that change. There are more things I'd like to share on social media and don't .... because I live by the credo that I don't want to supply ammo to any enemies I may have out there. The sad thing is that may deprive people of necessary encouragement or solidarity because of my reticence. I debate that stance nearly every day, and 2016 may be the year I rethink that for good.

2. Selfies. To be fair, every now and again, it's not so bad. When you have a killer outfit, or a new 'do that you want to show off. But daily selfies to show off a quarter-inch progress on your bicep? Dude, seriously. And who needs to see another duckface? No one has done a successful duckface since Freddie Mercury - and he's been dead since '91. Stop.

3. Recipes. STOP!!!!! I am on a reduced-carb plan and y'all are killing me with all the potato and pasta dishes!!!!! And let's not even discuss the desserts. So there.

4. Polarization of opinions. It seems as if all opinions on any topic swing to either extreme and anyone holding a well-balanced, moderate opinion is seen as uninformed and weak. Um, okay. So let's say I express an opinion on a particular movie - that the premise is good, that the lead is well-suited for the role, his leading lady casting wasn't that great, but the villain was awesome and deserves an Oscar. OH NO....... Her fans are convinced she's going to win the Oscar, Golden Globe, etc. and the men in the movie were both losers. Lead's fans are of the opinion that she sucked bigtime and HE will win all the awards and her scenes are a waste of celluloid, etc. etc. and in the meantime, BOTH groups are ragging you for having a balanced opinion. OMG! THE HORROR!!!! And that's just a movie. Let's not even discuss politics. OY.

5. A complete lack of pins with good classic grunge lyrics. That's just my own pet peeve. So you know what that means. I have to MAKE some. Twist my arm, ok? ;)

More to come over this month!

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