Saturday, January 16, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 1 - 1/16/16: Day

Bullet your entire day.

It is Saturday. There's nothing TO bullet. There's no real agenda, other than go pick up my jacket from the hair salon where I mistakenly left it yesterday...... But allow me to bullet yesterday, given that .... well, it already happened.
* Get up (5:27 am, after two hits of the snooze and a couple of minutes of "do I have to?")
* Take medicine
* Start coffee.
* Mix protein shake.
* Turn on morning news.
* Turn on tablet -- check E-mail, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr....
* Do yesterday's writing challenge post
* Unravel lymphedema bandages
* Grab clothes for the day
* Grab phone (for music), make sure shower speaker works
* Hit the shower.
* Dry off, dress.
* Look at the time and think, "REALLY??? HOW??" (yes, it's already 7:30).
* Pour travel mug of coffee. Make sure you have everything you need to take with you. Debate taking guitar with you to practice at lunch. Decide it looks too rainy, might as well have one less thing to tote.
* Drive to work. Discover many new fascinating combinations of curse phrases. Use them often.
* Pull in to parking space. Wait until rain lightens up a bit, you're actually a little early.....
* Go in, start the day. Daily spreadsheet for one vendor. Update working spreadsheet for yourself. Open Rhapsody and decide which playlist and ..... hey, might as well finish the one you were listening to yesterday at the end of the day! Yay for Telephantasm!
* Wow, 10:00 already? Time for the team meeting! Have a great productive discussion with everyone. Your upcoming changes in duties is announced. Excitement!
* Back to investigation work.... When is your ETA for the return visit? Is this work complete? When is this due to ship? Can you cancel this order? Dear Customer, the work is complete, and we will need a revised PO to match the actual work performed and parts installed......
* Mmm, lunchtime. Pouring rain. Pay bills online. Make sure hairstylist is working tonight. Head out to PDQ for the grilled chicken salad..... Mmm, twice so far this week but it is yummy!
* Back to work ..... it's a little early but it's yucky cold rainy out, and I am so over it already. I need some hot tea!
* Training our new team member on what I do.... I can help with "front-line" call entry, but I primarily do investigations when service calls run into issues. So an hour isn't quite enough but it will do for now.
* More updating and investigating the newer ones which got added. Why did this get moved? We have their payment and approval!
* WOO-HOO!!!! It's 6:00 and I call the salon, I'm on the way!!
* I get there and tell Shannon the two crazy ideas I'd had recently about my hair. She explains why one will be at least a year in the making, and why the other isn't working exactly correctly at the moment but is easily remedied! So we trim my hair to match the 2nd option (which will be better anyway).
* I head over to AC Moore. I have something I want to frame and I think I need something different than what I'd picked up elsewhere (10x13). Well, looks like a 9x12 unless I want to custom frame. NO! one, I don't want that much expense and two, I have had another beautiful brainstorm to go with this idea and I can't do that unless I have that larger frame. I buy a few sheets of "chalkboard" paper for practice..... I feel positively Grinchy.... It's a wonderful, evil, awful idea in the most awesome way possible and I cannot WAIT to see it come together!!!!
* CRAP!! 7:30??? I gotta get home for dinner. Protein shake time!!! Finally get home around 8:20..... Mix the shake, grab my guitar for practice, gulp  down the shake, nibble some string cheese and some almonds.....
* Take Jade, grab my pick, my practice sheet, and sit at the table. Here we go! Aaaaaagh!!! That right hand! My pick technique..... My teacher is right, this is a mental battle! So I focus more on this portion of things than the notes at this point. Back to the left hand...... AAAAAGH! Keep those fingers down. Hey, that's it! Keep at it! After a few run-throughs, it's starting to look and sound better.
* Decide to just play some things for the fun of it and try to find those "lost chords" I know are out there on this one song.....
* Whoa...... Fallon's on already!? Yow. Time for bed. Yikes. Guess I'll plan to do my leg treatment on both legs tomorrow..... Ooops!!!!!
* Change into yoga pants and tee shirt. Bed time! Snore...... (11:50ish?? Who knows?).

Okay, this was atypical but not too far off. Crazy life. Crazy life.

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