Sunday, January 10, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 1 - 1/10/16: Fruit

A Fruit I Dislike & Why

Well now ..... there's an odd question. I like most fruits. Fruits are great! Sweet and crunchy or sometimes slightly tart but always yummy, right? And mostly good for you (except that there is a little more sugar but it is naturally occurring instead of added sugar)......

Except star fruit.


When I was in my weight-loss process, once we had a six-week challenge (if I recall correctly) and one of the challenge items was to try a fruit you never had before. While my grocery store has a great produce section and carries a wide variety of items, I had eaten everything the fruit section offered....... Except star fruit. So they had a package of pre-sliced star fruit in the "grab-n-go/eat now" area, so I picked it up for my morning snack.

Two slices. That was all I could stomach. And that was with a packet of Splenda from the coffee area generously sprinkled on top. Even that couldn't help this poor fruit taste like anything I'd ever want to eat again. Acidic, bitter, no distinguishing flavor...... You know what an apple tastes like or an orange. You'll never confuse a blackberry and a blueberry. But a star fruit? Nothingness. Just nothing except the yuck.

So no. A big NO to the star fruit. Sorry........

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