Tuesday, January 12, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge 1 - 1/12/16: Laugh, Laugh

Two Words/Phrases That Make You Laugh

Really??? I can laugh at mostly anything. Like the song says, "I'm the kind of girl who laughs at a funeral..." so there isn't much where I'm not cracking up. But these are ones that are extra-special to me.

Rasputin:  okay, so Stacey (my bestie) and I are juniors in college and we're reading something from .... I don't know, "Mysteries of the Unknown"??? .... but anyway, it's the story of Rasputin. And especially intriguing is the tale of how this man just would. not. DIE. I mean, they did everything you could possibly do to a human being and he wasn't going anywhere. Poisoning? Nope. Shot? Bah! Stabbed? Please! Drowned? I laugh at your feeble attempts at murder! And we were marvelling at the hypnotic eyes. We could see how the Czarina was taken by them. So anyhow, at some point, I fell asleep and Stacey was up a bit longer. As she was at our vanity sink, she said I sat up, looked at her and said in a loud voice, "I am Rasputin!" and then flipped over onto my stomach and back out I went.

I'm still baffled by this, 26 years later. Apparently, I am the reincarnation of one Gregor Rasputin....... And apparently missing some of his magnetic charm as well. All I got were the blue eyes and a lousy T-shirt.

Rock Ridge:  if you've ever seen Blazing Saddles (1974 Mel Brooks film) then I need make no further reference....... But I will say, in the last few years, a small development went up on the outskirts of the next town over (on my way to work). And they named the little subdivision "Rock Ridge"..... I. HOWLED.  I couldn't imagine telling people I lived in Rock Ridge without cracking up....... There's even a song from the film that I sing or hum every time I pass by and I start cackling all over again...... If you don't know the song just YouTube it but here's the final verse:
Now it's a time of great decision
Are we to stay or up and quit?
There's no avoiding this conclusion
Our town is turning into sh.........

Mayhem and chaos. My work here is done.

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